Since the year 2000 we have been gathering data on marine turtle sightings, mostly Olive Ridley‚s Sea Turtles, in the Drake Bay area. Through our data collection and analysis, we have discovered that almost 80% of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtles have been killed since 2002.

Turtle Rescue:
Often we find sea turtles caught in the lines of commercial fishing boats. We carry tools on our boat that enable us to free them from the lines and hooks. Some have a good chance to live, others have already lost flippers, but we try to save them all.

Dolphin Rescue


During the last years we have carried out research on Humpback Whales based on Photo-Identification (Photo-Id). This technique consists of taking photographs of animals and using natural markings to identify individuals. It allows us to track an individual whale over long periods of time.

Individual Humpbacks are identified by the black and white pigmentation patterns and scars on the underside of their fluke and the distinctive scalloped edge, called the trailing edge of the flukes. The Humpback‚s tails are unique; no two whales share the same patterns, like what fingerprints are to humans.

Project objectives:
- To identify individual Humpback Whales photographed in the South Pacific of Costa Rica.
- To monitor and investigate long-term geographical and temporal patterns of movements of individual whales and patterns of association between them.

Collaborate with the Splash ID Project

When our Humpback ID Project is complete (at least with the photos we have to date), we will continue with each of the species that we see in these waters, giving us an extremely large database of individuals of each species, enabling us to track migration, behavior and feeding patterns of over eleven different species of dolphins and whales.


Since the beginning of time, dolphins and whales have interacted with humans. We have always marveled at these amazing animals And they are very curious about us too.  Vida Marina Foundation is dedicated to study the cetacean-human interaction above and underwater, and the affects these experiences arise in us. We have found that interactions with dolphins and whales are life changing for many people.  


We are elaborating several scientific reports with the cetaceans sightings data collected over the years in order to better know the number of species, populations, how they evolve over time and how human impacts such as commercial fishing, pollution or non-sustainable practices, can affect cetaceans and their habitats.

These reports will contribute to strengthen marine laws in the country and bring a better understanding to the local communities about the rich diversity of these waters.